About Us
What is ABATE of North Idaho?
ABATE of North Idaho, Inc. is a non-profit, educational and charitable organization of volunteers that work to promote motorcycling and motorcycle safety. The word ABATE is an acronym that individual organizations have chosen to mean several things. Abate of North Idaho has chosen to go with the original meaning: A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments. ABATE works to protect and preserve the rights of motorcyclists by being involved in the legislative process both at the state level in Idaho and at the national level in Washington D.C.
Our legislative activities include meeting and working with our local and State-wide legislators to maintain a motorcycle-friendly environment. ABATE members are constantly on the watch for potential legislation that will negatively affect the freedom or safety of the motorcycling community.
ABATE of North Idaho Chapters are involved in community and other events, that include:
*Annual Toy Run for Children's Village
* Semiannual Highway Cleanup
*Holiday Family Food and Money Donations
* Fat Bastards Float Trip